
Cogito ergo insanio

[Halswelle - Estudo de nuvens]

... I discovered the whitewashed wall beneath the window slick and syrupy with an abundance of goo. Since I didn't know what masturbation was, I of course didn't know what ejaculate was. I thought it was pus. I thought it was phlegm. I didn't know what to think, except that it was something terrible. In the presence of a species of discharge as yet mysterious to me, I imagined it was something that festered in a man's body and then came spurting from his mouth when he was completely consumed by grief.
Philip Roth, The plot against America

Sandeu por fim. Havia de chegar o dia. E eu que não estava preparado. Et pourtant par terre. Porque achava que já não ensandecia. Ou já estava sandeu. E pensava que eram os outros não era eu. Não. Se calhar agora não estou. Porque agora vejo tudo tão claro. Tão tão. Sandeu. Cogito ergo insanio.

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